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VBA code to check if I a certain connection point on a 2D shape is connected

Started by doudou, September 13, 2014, 10:23:23 PM

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I am wondering how to write a conditional statement to determine whether a certain connection point on a rectangular 2-D shape is connected to another shape. In particular i am interested in the connection point on the left side of the rectangle. The reason I am doing this, is to find whether the shape is "starting" shape, so for example ShapeA and ShapeB in the attached file. Any help would be great. I am using Visio 2010/2013. Thanks!

Sub FindStartingShapes()
    Dim visPage As Visio.Page
    Set visPage = Visio.ActivePage
    Dim shp As Visio.Shape
    For Each shp In visPage.Shapes
        'Conditional Statement here
    Next shp
End Sub


Hi Jean,
you won't find the answer in the shapes themselves, but rather in the connections collection of the page.
And better than a left/right check, you might check for a from/to relationship.

Wapperdude has done a lot of "connection stuff" lately. You may find some inspiration in his posts.



Quote from: Yacine on September 13, 2014, 11:04:02 PM
Hi Jean,
you won't find the answer in the shapes themselves, but rather in the connections collection of the page.
And better than a left/right check, you might check for a from/to relationship.

Wapperdude has done a lot of "connection stuff" lately. You may find some inspiration in his posts.


Hi Yacine,

thanks for pointing me to the right direction. I will take a look at the connections collections and at Wapperdude's code and try to extract what is needed.



If you go to topic "Who's your neighbor...", the code you need is within the 2nd module.  There is excess code that you don't need, so for convenience, I've copied the code here and removed the excess...e.g., none of the listbox stuff, nor the Excel stuff.  Hopefully, I've not deleted something essential.  Also, you'll have to add some code to decide what to do ...

Sub ShapeConnectionsShowTell()

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim conObj As Visio.Connect
    Dim FromConShp As Visio.Shape
    Dim selShp As Visio.Shape
    Dim toPartID As Integer
    Dim toConCon As String

    If Visio.ActiveWindow.Selection.Count = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Nothing selected: make selection and retry"                          'Check for selection, if none, exit sub-routine
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set selShp = Visio.ActiveWindow.Selection(1)

    For i = 1 To selShp.FromConnects.Count                               'Get the connected from shapes, i.e., what is glued to the selected shape.
        Set FromConShp = selShp.FromConnects(i).FromSheet               'This is shape glued to the selected shape.
        For Each conObj In FromConShp.Connects                          'Find shape connected to opposite end
'  toConCon is the target connection point that you need to evaluate and then decide what to do
            toPartID = conObj.ToPart                                    'This where glue connection made to the opposite end shape
            If toPartID >= visConnectionPoint Then                  'Check for named rows, use if present
                If conObj.ToCell.RowName <> "" Then
                    toConCon = CStr("Connections." & conObj.ToCell.RowName)
                    toConCon = CStr("Connections.Row_" & CStr(toPartID - visConnectionPoint + 1))
                End If
            End If
        Next conObj
    Next i
End Sub

Hopefully this code snippet still works.

Visio 2019 Pro


or else:
Sub ttt()
    Dim shp As Visio.Shape
    Dim shId() As Integer
    ReDim shId(2, 0)
    For Each shp In ActivePage.Shapes
        If shp.OneD Then
            If shp.Connects.Count = 2 Then
                Pos = UBound(shId, 2) + 1
                ReDim Preserve shId(2, Pos)
                If shp.Connects(1).ToPart = 101 Then
                    shId(1, Pos) = shp.Connects(1).ToSheet.ID
                    shId(2, Pos) = shp.Connects(2).ToSheet.ID
                    shId(1, Pos) = shp.Connects(2).ToSheet.ID
                    shId(2, Pos) = shp.Connects(1).ToSheet.ID
                End If
            End If
        End If
    For i = 1 To UBound(shId, 2)
        Debug.Print shId(1, i) & " -> " & shId(2, i)
End Sub

1 -> 4
1 -> 5
4 -> 11
2 -> 5
5 -> 13


Thanks everyone for their. Perhaps this post warrants a new thread (I will do that once I further clean the code, and make it more general). In essence, this work is very similar to what WapperDude late work with connected shapes. What I wanted to do is to export to an Excel row the sequences of connected shapes on a Visio diagram as illustrated in the diagrams below:

I had to adopt a different Excel output than Wapperdude's and i couldn't find a solution without resorting to recursion.


My initial thoughts go something like:
  a. The selected shape connections code is a good starting place.
       i. It uses the selected shape as the basis for beginning the search
      ii. It has code that allows writing to an Excel file
     iii. It captures the 2nd shape in the path of shapes, e.g., A--> C, D.

  b. The code needs additional changes:
       i. Existing code needs to eliminate writing 1D shapes into Excel, i.e., only "A", "C". and "D" would be written to Excel
      ii. When the 2nd shape is captured, e.g., "C", it becomes the new selected shape at some point, and the process iterates thru, eventually, the final shape would be          reached.
     iii. alternative might be to additionally store A, C, and D into a temporary array.  Then using the array, go thru each connections collection to gather additional info.  This might be more efficient.  Namely, rather than writing to Excel with each new discovery, gather all of the objects (2D shapes) into an array, and write to Excel once, after the entire page has been analyzed and all appropriate discoveries have been stored in the array.

Either way, there will be multiple iterations to get desired shape collections.

Visio 2019 Pro


Quote from: wapperdude on September 15, 2014, 04:40:49 PM
My initial thoughts go something like:
  a. The selected shape connections code is a good starting place.
       i. It uses the selected shape as the basis for beginning the search
      ii. It has code that allows writing to an Excel file
     iii. It captures the 2nd shape in the path of shapes, e.g., A--> C, D.

  b. The code needs additional changes:
       i. Existing code needs to eliminate writing 1D shapes into Excel, i.e., only "A", "C". and "D" would be written to Excel
      ii. When the 2nd shape is captured, e.g., "C", it becomes the new selected shape at some point, and the process iterates thru, eventually, the final shape would be          reached.
     iii. alternative might be to additionally store A, C, and D into a temporary array.  Then using the array, go thru each connections collection to gather additional info.  This might be more efficient.  Namely, rather than writing to Excel with each new discovery, gather all of the objects (2D shapes) into an array, and write to Excel once, after the entire page has been analyzed and all appropriate discoveries have been stored in the array.

Either way, there will be multiple iterations to get desired shape collections.


Hi Wapperdude,

I think you may have misread my post. I am sorry if I wasn't clear enough. I was in fact able to solve the problem, I have included a Visio file with the VBA code and the sample diagram shown in my snapshot. For a problem like this I do not see an alternative to using a recursive approach given that the length of a connected sequence is variable.



Visio 2019 Pro

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