How can I share a modifiable Org Chart?

Started by Matt85, June 10, 2014, 06:36:17 PM

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I looked and looked and could not find this answer anywhere.

I'm currently using Visio 2010 on a Windows 7 machine.

How can I share my Visio org chart with others who don't have Visio in a format thats modifiable? The most preferable solution would be to convert it to SmartArt, or at least be able to convert it into an indented list with subordinate employees being further indented in.

Any ideas?


There are many drawing formats to which you can export drawings, but the shapes will lose their functionalities and data.
(eg a shape displaying a data field will - after conversion - be only a geometrical figure with a text.


When I go into my org chart it gives 3 export types xls, csv and text, all of which seem to be the same thing (records of EE and who they report to). Am I looking in the wrong place?


Beyond moving existing shapes around on the page, the drawings are not modifiable. By exporting an existing chart to excel (xls). You can reimport the data to recreate the drawing.

Paul Herber

There is no format with which you can give a file to another person (who has no access to Visio), allow them to modify the file, then hand it back to you and have the file maintain its Visio functionality. So, the answer is no.
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