Need to use directed connector instead of dynamic connector

Started by r3f3ction, July 31, 2013, 08:46:15 PM

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This is the code i am using right now to connect two shapes :

masterconnector = stencildoc.Masters.ItemU["dynamic connector"]
connector1 = page.Drop( masterconnector, -1,-1)
connector1.CellsU( "BeginX" ).GlueTo(shapeFrom.CellsSRC(1, 1, 0))
connector1.CellsU( "EndY" ).GlueTo(shapeTo.CellsSRC(1, 1, 0))

But i would like to use a directed connector instead of this connector. Where do i find the properties for the corresponding connector?


What do you mean by "directed"?
The dynamic connector is directed as you see by it's fields BeginX, EndY, ...
If you need it with an arrow, so set the according property to it. (To find by recording a macro and formating the line according your needs).


How do i set the property to make the line with an arrow.

Beginner in visio python.

Paul Herber

You might find it worth downloading the Visio SDK, this will give you loads of examples as well as a reference to all the various shapesheet cells.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


I am trying to use this but it gives me a TypeError connector1.cellsU("EndArrow").formula("=26")


connector1.CellsSRC(visSectionObject, visRowLine, visLineEndArrow).FormulaU = "26"