RoadMap Changing bar width through excel

Started by jdmarsh2g, July 10, 2013, 06:25:31 PM

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Hello everyone,
I have gone through several shape sheet examples and now I'm looking to see if I could use the linking of excel values to control the expansion of a bar that represents nothing more then a duration at a high level.
I see that the Geometry1.NoFill would be the shape sheet section where I can move the top right coordinate of the shape and the lower right coordinate of X values to get the bar(shape) to expand to the right of the grid thus increasing the width.
LineTo Width*1 >> LineTo Width*1.25
LineTo Width*1 >> LineTo Width*1.25

What I'm trying to achieve is that a certain increment is equivalent to a month and or months etc.... that I could be edited in excel.
Any suggestions to move me in the right direction?



Wouldn't it be better to not extend the shape's geometry, but the shape's width itself?

Create a user defined cell, either in each shape or maybe better in the ShapeSheet of the page:
User.BaseWidthPerHour = 1 cm

If you now have a User defined cell in your shape, linked to excel, that conatains a time (in the example in hours) you can use a formula to change the width:

User.Time = 3    (stands for 3 hours in this example)

or if you placed User.BaseWidthPerHour in the page's shapesheet: