page number cross reference

Started by akd, March 06, 2013, 10:22:25 PM

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I'm using Visio 2003 to create a multi-page drawing.  I'm using the insert field to insert the page number on each page; this allows me to reorder the pages without needing to manually renumber them. 

I'd like to insert a cross-reference text field on page 5 that refers the reader to a page that contains a specific shape I created, let's call it Sheet.440.  This shape, Sheet.440, may appear on page 3 today but may appear on page 4 tomorrow if I reorder the pages.   

How do I create a text field on page 5, that says "See page 3" where "3" is the page number field (analogous to creating a cross-reference to a header in MS Word)?




very possible, but needs custom code.


when i didn't know about macro, i used next trick

1. i created user-defined cell for each cell = PAGENAME()
2. in first page, i draw ellipse. add user-defined cell to this ellipse/
user.row_1.prompt = "gotopage("&""""&Pages[Pag-2]!ThePage!""""&")"
user.row_1 = SETF(GetRef(EventDblClick),TRIM(User.Row_1.Prompt))
it set formula GOTOPAGE("Page-2") in EventDblClick cell, it make possible goto page-2 by double click.
It will work even you re-order pages or rename pages