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How do I automatically resize text boxes??

Started by moshe, November 06, 2012, 07:56:08 PM

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Hi there I'm a n00b.

Today I got Visio 2010 to draw a simple flowchart.

It's cool but there's one problem that bugs me: how do I automatically resize my text boxes?? I need all of my textboxes to be exactly the size of the texts within. I thought a simple double click on one of the resize buttons would do the trick, but it doesn't. So what does?

Paul Herber

Please have a look at the formula section of:
You will see formula for resizing a shape with that shape's text.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Aside from the fact it took me half an hour to figure out where do I even put these formulas, this still doesn't answer my question. What do I do if I don't intend to resize the textboxes one-by-one? I want to automatically resize all of them at once.

Paul Herber

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


I there's no "magic" button that will do all at once.  Anticipating the (Paul's) response to his question...
  1.  If there aren't too many, do each one manually.
  2.  If there are quite a few, then do via code.

Visio doesn't automatically link text box (or any shape) to text size, nor does it give you an option to do so.

Visio 2019 Pro

Paul Herber

Indeed, Wapperdude, me old mate, me old pal, me old buddy, that would be my next question. Another question would be:
Are you sure your shapes are all text boxes? If this is really a flowchart then you might also have other shapes.
Anyway, there are alternatives, but the details are very important.
If the shapes are just text boxes then various routes are closed off because there is no master shape in the document stencil.
If the document stencil contains master shapes then these can be edited, adding the text transform section and setting the formula dicussed earlier. This will allow all your shapes to be updated easily and quickly.
Another way involves using my utilities for Visio which can copy/paste the text transform section to multiple shapes, even all shapes on a page. So, you see, we are trying to answer your question, it's just not that simple, and we need more info.
So, let us know exactly what the shapes are.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

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