Layers ON/OFF Settings Don't Persist After Save

Started by mrhagerty, July 30, 2012, 06:29:30 PM

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The layer assignment feature works fine while in edit.  But after saving, the objects come back with additional default layer assignments not originally chosen.

I create a new layer called NOTATION.  I assign objects to notation so I can turn them on separately.   I save with NOTATION off.  The drawing comes back into edit with the hidden layer items visible.  They have been assigned to additional layers that are always visible.

Note:  The default layers are part of the BPMN add-in for 2010.



I was able to trouble shoot this with the vendor who supplies the BPMN add-in.  But it might become an issue for any configuration that uses default layers.

Once you intend to do layers, you have to create a main personal user layer for all objects so you can turn visibility off for any default layers.  Trying to remove objects from a default layer is pointless since they get re-assigned back to those layers on reload.

But turning off visiblity of the default layer while preserving it for your custom layers works.
