Connecting Shapes permanently using connectors

Started by alok21, July 30, 2012, 07:15:43 AM

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I have exported my UML diagrams to visio using Java SWT OleAutomation.Now i want that when the shapes are connected through a dynamic connector connector,the connector should not move when attached to a shape.Is it possible to permanently glue connector to a shape as shown in fig1 and fig2.In fig 1 a connector is attached to a shape and in fig 2, i had pulled it out and it comes out.I have to prevent this from happening.Pls suggest if this is possible.

Paul Herber

Assuming the connectors are glued to the shapes, you need to open the connectors shapesheet editor, in the 1-D Endpoints section to will see four cells, Begin/End X/Y. Each will contain a formula. You need to put a GUARD(...) around each one.

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Thanks a lot sir.Putting the formula inside GUARD() works.