Five digit date values in the Shapesheet

Started by jemmitt, March 01, 2012, 03:19:49 PM

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I need to get the five digit date value for a date in a shapresheet cell.  For example, the cell value is DATETIME(40969) and I need to get the 40969 number from it.  I can't find a V2010 function to use, and I am not a VBA programmer, though I could place the appropriate code into a macro and run the macro.  Can someone help?  Thanks.


Place the 5-digit number in field and reference the latter in another field formated as date value if required.
Field 1= 40969; Format = 0
Field 2 = Field1 ; Format = 5


I need the reverse.  I have a cell with contents DATETIME(40969) already, and I want to get to a cell which has only 40969.  I tried to change the format for this sequence and nothing happened.  Thanks.


40969 should be the number of days of a certain startdate, don't know which one Visio/Microsoft uses (1.1.1900???). You could try to lookup that date somwhere in the net. Afterwards you can use sth. like a DateDiff-Function to find the number of days between your date and the start date.
Don't know, if that is possible in ShapeSheet, so you'll probably have to use VBA.