visEquivTitle (title tag) character limit in HTML

Started by jdg556, January 24, 2012, 08:28:22 AM

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The character limit of visEquivTitle is really bugging me. I can't believe (or accept) this can't be altered.

I was searching in the DLL of Visio and found something interesting (Program Files\Microsoft Office\Visio11\DLL\SAVASWEB.DLL):

var strHLTooltipText = "%s";
var strPropsTooltipText = "%s";

var strFocusHLTooltipText = "%s";
var strFocusPropsTooltipText = "%s";

function UpdateTooltip (element, pageID, shapeID)
if (isUpLevel)
var strHL, strProps;

if(frmDrawing.event.type == "focus")
strHL = strFocusHLTooltipText;
strProps = strFocusPropsTooltipText;
strHL = strHLTooltipText;
strProps = strPropsTooltipText;

var strTooltip = "";
if (element.origTitle)
strTooltip = element.origTitle.toString();

var shapeNode = FindShapeXML (pageID, shapeID);

if( shapeNode != null )
var propColl = shapeNode.selectNodes ("Prop");
if (propColl != null && propColl.length > 0)
if (strTooltip.length > 0)
strTooltip += "\n";
strTooltip += strProps;

var hlObj = GetHLAction (shapeNode, pageID, shapeID);
if (hlObj != null && (hlObj.DoFunction.length > 0 || hlObj.Hyperlink.length > 0))
if (strTooltip.length > 0)
strTooltip += "\n";
strTooltip += strHL;

element.title = strTooltip;
if (element.alt != null)
element.alt = strTooltip;

I am not all into this kind of script but to me it looks like the tag comes from "element.origTitle" (strTooltip = element.origTitle.toString();), but I am not able to dig deeper.

Maybe someone here has found the solution or can help to dig deeper.

I do know there is a manual way though, but I am not font of that: open the vml_1.htm file of the visio file you are working on and change the "origTitle="  of the required shape(s).

Paul Herber

That script is javascript, it's some of the text that the saveAsWeb addon uses when creating the webpages. The limitation is not in that code, it's probably in the browser. Besides, it was a badly designed feature in a broken web browser that suborned a feature created for the use of text-to-speech readers for the blind etc.
How much text do you want to display?
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Thank you for your reply.

I know for sure it is not the browser. You can alter the HTML files and there change the title tags. In the original title tags in the HTML files the trim has already occurred. When you change the title tag to the required, non trimmed, tag, the browser shows it correctly.
I would like to display at least 4 times as much as the 60 character, maybe more.