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RSS for Forum Topics

Started by joemako, May 08, 2008, 03:03:34 AM

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I don't know if this feature is available in simple machines forum (SMF), but is there a way to get an RSS feed for topic threads? Sometimes I find myself so busy, the only time I check a site is when it shows up in my reader. Or, even a feed of all messages in all topics would be great. :)

Actually, I just found

So If I wanted a feed of the Suggestion Box board, I would add the following URL to my reader:;action=.xml;board=2.0
The "2.0" being the Suggestion Box board of course.

Maybe there is an appropriate Mod for SMF that adds a feed icon for easy grabbing. :)

After looking, maybe RSS Feed Icon for boards at would work.

Thanks for your site, and the highly useful content. :)

Best Regards,

Visio Guy

There must be a nice button that I can add for RSS somewhere...and thanks Joe, for the link on how to do this the manual way!

I've already spent so much time getting the WordPress theme tweaked, I imagine it will be a while until the forum is red and black like the web site :)

I did figure out yesterday how to make the ten newest posts show up on the main page of this forum, which helps a bit, but an RSS button would be nicer...
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I am not sure, because I have never deployed SMF, but from reading the description on RSS Feed Icon for boards at it seems this would add a feed button to the boards by just uploading it to you mod folder.

Best Regards,

Visio Guy

Thanks Joe!

That's one for the SMF Terminology bag - "mod" = "plug-in" I guess ;)

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Visio Guy


The RSS feed icons are now implemented. Thanks to joemako for the links to help me get it done!

It looks like you can subscribe to individual boards, but not to an entire category. So, currently, the top-level has two categories:

You can't RSS to either of these, but you can get feeds for the individual boards underneath, ie:

And boy! Was that mod a lot easier to activate as making the links in this post! ;)
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When you launched the forum, i just subscribed to everything. I get e-mailed when a post is made. Though now that more members are joining and the posting rate goes up, my mailbox becomes messy. I'll try this instead.


Visio Guy

Thanks Lars-Erik,

It's nice to hear how people use the forum, and that the RSS feed will make a lot more sense for you guys as the traffic increases!

- Chris
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
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For people who want to follow everything, this is the rss feed for the entire forum:;action=.xml

Quote from: Visio Guy on May 15, 2008, 07:21:32 PM
You can't RSS to either of these, but you can get feeds for the individual boards underneath, ie:

Categories CAN be followed here are the links:
For website category:

- Lars-Erik

Visio Guy

Somebody's been hacking params to my MySQL database!

:) :) :)
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
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Hu? what? why? how?
I don't understand?

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