Shapes in the Fog

Started by JuneTheSecond, July 04, 2011, 02:47:35 AM

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How would you like these masks to make lanscape foggy?
A mask is a group of sliced transeparent shapes.
Do you know better way to make them foggy?
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


A fogged perspective view.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


Visio Guy

Very cool!

Now I'm starting to dream up ideas for this...

1. Shape data and data linking specify the coordinates of a shape on a matrix somewhere (like in the game Battleship).
2. A small amount of VBA notes the size of a shape for position 0:0 (ie: the foremost ellipse), and rigs the shape to change size as it moves around the "board".
3. The VBA also fixes the PinX/Y of the shape to move on the board according to the imported data.
4. A bit more VBA does the Z-order sorting, so that the graphic looks correct after the shapes are places.
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Another type of fog, oval mask
3D fog looks very hard to me.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


I am too late, but found very simple way.
Visio fill option has excelent gradient patterns for not only colors but also transparency!!
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda