Disable themes for all shapes/stencils

Started by goltoof, March 24, 2011, 07:17:14 PM

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I just now noticed the "Allow themes" option is checked on every single one of my shapes.  I'll probably end up using themes eventually, but I don't want themes to affect any of my shapes.

I also noticed I can uncheck "Allow Themes" on a grouped shaped, but when I select a shape inside of the group it's still selected for that shape!

Is there a way to disable themes on all of my shapes without going through them one by one?


A loop through all shapes and subshapes in VBA:

Sub Start()
Dim shp as Visio.Shape

For Each shp in ActivePage.Shapes
 Alter shp

End Sub

Sub Alter(shp as Visio.Shape)
Dim subshp as Shape

shp.CellsSRC(visSectionObject, visRowLock, visLockThemeEffects).FormulaU = "1"

For Each subshp in shp.Shapes
 Alter subshp

End Sub