Change text color of checkbox shape

Started by nikespex, February 17, 2011, 06:36:49 AM

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I can't seem to modify color of the text label for a visio checkbox (Shapes > Software > Common Controls).  I can change the font and font size, but the text always displays black no matter what color I choose.  Anyone know how I can change the color?  I'm using Visio 2003.

Paul Herber

The text colour on this shape is a guarded formula for some reason (well, actually the reason it uses a formula is to change the text colour from black to gret when the shape is enabled/disabled).
Select thje shape, then menu Window -> Show Shapesheet. Scroll down to the Character section, in the cell Color you will see a GUARDed formula, just type a "2" over this, now close the shapesheet window. You will see the text colour has changed to red. The protection on the colour has now been removed and you can use the standard format dialogs to change the colour.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Thanks Paul. This is exactly what I needed!