Custom formatting of external data

Started by jurgen, October 09, 2010, 05:30:42 AM

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I'm trying to add external data into a Visio shape. This is not really a problem. My data is in an excel sheet for now, but plenty of possibilities there.
I need to do this:

Col A: Name CEO
Col B: Phone CEO
Col C: Name CTO
Col D: Phone CTO
Col E: Name CFO
Col F: Phone CFO


Name CEO ................... Phone CEO
Name CTO ................... Phone CTO
Name CFO ................... Phone CFO

So basically, I need to fields on 1 line.
I succeeded in moving the fields manually, but if I link a new record to the shape, all custom positioning gets dropped.

Anyone know if this is feasible?


Hi Jurgen,
could it be that you are trying to solve in visio a problem that you have in Excel?
Reformat your excel file.


To add to Yacine's comment about format. Consider three rows of information, each with : name, title, phone.