How to Link Multiple External Data Sources to Single Shape

Started by Donarm, July 29, 2010, 09:16:20 AM

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I need some help to grouping multiple link into a single shape in Visio 2010. Is it possible to do that inside Visio 2010?? If got let me know...



are you talking about internet links (hyperlinks), drawing links, chain links, etc. ?


Can't leave out missing links, and the Great Link from Startrek, DS9.
Visio 2019 Pro




Fyi, my visio 2010 integrate with System Operation Manager (SCOM) 2007 R2 which is i'm install that SCOM 2007 R2 add-ins on it. So right now my question is how to link multiple data from SCOM to the single shape inside my visio.


I'd start over here

to make sure you're getting the appropriate datarecordsets linked into the drawing.
The next step is to ensure that you have the correct shapedata defined in your shape (these are the column names that you want in your datagraphic) and then finally you can drag the link from the external data window to the shape.



The link that you give it to me actually not help me at all. Just now i only have problem with link multiple external data in single shape. When i drag the link from the external data window to the shape that already have external data, the link will replace the existing link. So i need the way how to solve this problem to make single shape with more than one data.


(assuming I understand correctly) If you're asking to put multiple copies of the same record type into a single shape, that's not the way it works. The mapping is from datacolumn to shapedata (custom property) 1 single record = single shape ! The only way you can put multiple records into a single shape is if the column names (custom properties) have different names between the records.


may i know wat do you mean by put multiple records into a single shape is if the column names (custom properties) have different names between the records?? can you give me some example??


recordset a has columns colA, colB, colC
recordset b has columns colD, colE, colF
your shape can support colA, colB, colC, colD, colE, ColF as shape data - but only one of each

think of a shape like a row in excel, a record in a recordset, a row in sql - you only get one instance to place the data in (that's why the new lists and containers are such a big help)


If you want to realize a 1:n relationship, you may try to link one main shape to the record and the other shapes to that one main shape?