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Hyperlink A Shape From An Access Table

Started by Deltadiver05, May 04, 2010, 12:08:06 PM

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I have searched the forum and couldn't find this specific issue posted.

Can anyone help me to add the hyperlink function to predefined shapes (using a custom stencil) using the connected Access database?  A visual of what I am trying to do is this:

Our format is to put the procedure that governs an activity as a document shape above an activity in a work flow.  I already have an Access table built where I link it to this shape to populate it with the correct text.  I select the shape I want in the stencil and drag the row from the access database info from the bottom of the page onto the drawing.  This populates the shape with the procedure number and title. 

I have already added a column to the access table and inserted the hyperlink data into it.  How do I update the Shape Data so it turns the whole shape into a hyperlink button if a link is present?

FYI- I have to PDF these when I am done and publish them to a SharePoint list so our employees may access them.  I am not sure if that would impact the answer.  Also, if it helps to know that I know how to do this one shape at a time manually, but this is very time consuming and if the location of that procedure ever changes, I would have to go back and manually change each hyperlink.  If I use the Access table, I would have to update one row and just refresh each drawing's data and republish.

Thank you so much for any help you can provide.


On the External Data Window, right click and chose either "automatically Link..." or "link to selected shape" that will set the hyperlink field in the shape.
My PDFCreator did not keep the hyperlinks, but saving as web page did the job, just fine.


Just as an FYI, I figured this out an hour or so before your reply.  By the way...Thank you for the help.

Here is what I did:
1. Made sure the hyperlink was in a column in the access table/database
2. Refreshed the data in the external data window at the bottom of the screen
3. Right clicked in the window and selected Column Settings
4. Clicked on the column labled "hyperlinks" (what I called it in the access database)
5. Clicked Data Type
6. Selected Hyperlink at the top of that window
7. "ok"ed everything and returned to the drawing
8. Done

What do you think?  Is this a good solution?  It seems to work so far.



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