add value into displaying form

Started by tlpd, March 23, 2010, 08:38:51 AM

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I have a visio file, in that file, there are a lot of components and each one have its own ID. When user click on a component, a UserForm will be displayed and the ID of that component will be shown on form.

I used the below code to display form

On this form there is a button, if this button is pressed, user can click on other components to add ids into the list. However, i think because of using Show() method, if the Form is displayed, user can not touch the visio components. User must close the Form before they can click on any components. So my question is: are there anyways to allow user to click on different components on Visio while the form still display? (i want to add multi-ids into the list)

Thank you in advance.

Paul Herber

The form is normally created such that it shows in modal mode. You need to turn off the modal setting.
In the editor, select the form and in the form properties turn off ShowModal.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Thank you so much. This helped me a lot.