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Layout of Excel reports

Started by TwoBeAss, February 29, 2024, 07:59:42 AM

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is there any way to define the layout of an excel report ? I am talking about colours, cell outlines, text formats etc...

Thanks for you support...


VBA can do that. You need to identify the object, open it, format and close. Tedious.
Easier would probably be to export the report and do the formating by means of a macro in excel, instead of Visio, then re-import.
Other option, write your own reporting routine and build a smartshape to represent the table.
None of these options are simple.


Thanks for your reply..
I think the best way would be to report via visio and have an excel template to import the report...


Has someone tested Google's new AI? I like it.
Check this chat. (I haven't tested it).


Not yet but looks promising.. Thanks

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