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Is it possible to glue together two 2D shapes without connection points?

Started by Visisthebest, October 16, 2023, 08:44:26 AM

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Is it possible to glue together two 2D shapes without connection points?

I understand you can glue a 1D shape to a 2D shape somewhere there is no connection point, so wonder if this is possible with two 2D shapes as well.

Or alternatively, could I glue together two 2D shapes in a position where at least one of the shapes does not have a connection point?
Visio 2021 Professional


1st Question:  definitely no.
2nd question:  no.
3rd question:  how many times do I have to "no"?!?"   ;D  ;)
Visio 2019 Pro


Thank you Wapperdude, I wonder how it IS possible with a 1D and 2D shape to glue to a 2D shape position that does not have a connection point. Unfortunate this does not extend to 2D to 2D glue.
Visio 2021 Professional


You could sort of "emulate" it if you claim one shapes to be actually 1-d, and then allow glue to the geometry ;D
The RACK diagrams claim that rack boxes are actually 1-d shapes for example

DISCLAIMER: do that only with protective glasses and gloves put on :D


glue 2 shapes without connection points:
   Use GUARD and the LOCTOLOC to tie the geometry of shapee 1 to the geometry of shape 2

rack & 1D shapes:
   rack shapes are indeed 1D...need to go into misc and turn  off some of visual aids in misc section


Quote from: Visisthebest on October 17, 2023, 07:53:38 AM
Thank you Wapperdude, I wonder how it IS possible with a 1D and 2D shape to glue to a 2D shape position that does not have a connection point. Unfortunate this does not extend to 2D to 2D glue.

Couple observations:  first, glue to geometry must be enabled.  Then, 1D shape can glue to 2D predictably.  I believe this is so because of underlying code and Visio can identify with certain the end point of the line.  It is much more difficult to glue 2D to 1D possibly because there's uncertainty what point to use on 2D shape.  That is, I think Visio needs to know the specific point to use ahead of time as the shape is brought to the 1D shape.  Because of this methodolgy, Visio has problems. 

To support my argument, take the case of a 2D shape with connection pts at middle of each side.  Now suppose you want to drag this shape (a square) so that its left side glues to a similar squares right side.  (The connection point definitions are such to permit this.) When you drag the 1st square, let's say that the mouse grabbed closest to the right edge.  Generally, the gluing won't work.  Visio is focused the wrong connection point.  Had the mouse grabbed the shape close to left edge, gluing should / would have succeeded.  Thus, Visio decides a head of time which point has greater (or sole) priority for gluing.

Visio 2019 Pro


Thank you all, I checked out the rack shape and indeed this is like it is a 1D group shape with 2D subshapes, clever but probably an unwise solution like Nikolay indicates.

I want to get this behavior:

- You glue a router in to the rack panel.
- When you move the rack the router moves with the rack
- When you move the router it becomes unglued from the rack again

Either with some shapesheet functions or with some VBA that is the behavior of the shapes I want to create for users working in the diagram, but I agree better not with the solution Microsoft uses for the server racks.

(a 1D group shape with 2D subshapes, mind blowing you learn something new every day!  :D :D :D )
Visio 2021 Professional


Quote from: Visisthebest on October 18, 2023, 08:55:20 AMI want to get this behavior:

- You glue a router in to the rack panel.
- When you move the rack the router moves with the rack
- When you move the router it becomes unglued from the rack again
But we have limitation: if you connect many devices (more than 26) to rack's extruder, when you move rack's shape some devices dont moved with rack...

UPD Please watch my 5-year old video with sub-titles  :)


Quote(a 1D group shape with 2D subshapes, mind blowing you learn something new every day!  :D :D :D )

This is a very old technique.  In fact, back circa 2008, on this forum, David Parker guided me through it.  That was my eye opening moment.  Didn't realize that's where you were headed.  Visio Guy has a very smart rack development on his blog site.  Many, useful features. 

EDIT:  my recalling error.  This link is not about a smart rack shape, but rather, a smart measuring scale to be used with a rack shape.  Still useful, so I only crossed out the link reference.
Visio 2019 Pro


Quote from: wapperdude on October 18, 2023, 02:42:43 PM
Quote(a 1D group shape with 2D subshapes, mind blowing you learn something new every day!  :D :D :D )
This is a very old technique.
Some tricks in the article Creating Well Connected Assemblies with 1D Visio Shapes

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