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Shape question with no clue where to start looking.

Started by SwimBikeWalk, June 12, 2023, 03:06:19 AM

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I use a bunch of shapes that change based on how they are selected. For example a temp probe that changes based on outdoor or bulb etc.
I want to make some changes to these shapes, but I have no clue what they are called so I don't know where to start looking for information on how they work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)


your question is way to vague....expound what you actually want to do


I looked at your Stencil.  Don't quite fully understand what you're trying to accomplish.  Your shape design is soimewhat complex.  A lot of work, for sure.

Initially, on drop, you get a shape data form to fill out.  That works.  The shape then shows a rectangle, with filledin entries, plus the desired probe type, and a control poinht.  All appears to be OK until the control point is moved.  The probe then retreats and hides behind the rectangle.  Presumably, that's an issue.

Rather than guess, what behavior are you trying to establish, e.g., purpose of control point, do you always want that big text box...what else?

What you're trying to design would be called a Smart Shape.  Some things to note:
  1)  Shapesheets may have more than 1 geometry sections.  So, a single shape could be used for all of your probe types.  Then use the shapedata to set geometry NoShow cell to either true or false.

  2)  Your overall design might be reduced to just 1 or 2 shapes...the probe shape and optionally, the text holding shape.  Well 3 shapes assuming the 1st two are grouped.  Only 1 shape if shapedata is shown only on hover / as a flyout

  3)  The Action Rows can have more useful names.

  4)  The shapedata rectangle doesn't have to always be visible.  In fact, if desired, that information can be designed to only show if info is present.  Alternatively, see point 2.  Makes for less clutter.

Visio 2019 Pro


Quote from: vojo on June 12, 2023, 12:26:13 PM
your question is way to vague....expound what you actually want to do

Yes I apologize, it was a very long day of troubleshooting controls then office time working on drawings for a new project.

Quote from: wapperdude on June 12, 2023, 04:43:43 PM
I looked at your Stencil.  Don't quite fully understand what you're trying to accomplish.  Your shape design is soimewhat complex.  A lot of work, for sure.

What you're trying to design would be called a Smart Shape.  Some things to note:
  1)  Shapesheets may have more than 1 geometry sections.  So, a single shape could be used for all of your probe types.  Then use the shapedata to set geometry NoShow cell to either true or false.

  2)  Your overall design might be reduced to just 1 or 2 shapes...the probe shape and optionally, the text holding shape.  Well 3 shapes assuming the 1st two are grouped.  Only 1 shape if shapedata is shown only on hover / as a flyout

  3)  The Action Rows can have more useful names.

Smart Shape, thank you, that will make hunting for info easier.

The shapes are quite complex they were made by Johnson Controls years ago and I'm trying to make some updates. I have about ten other Smart Shape devices to alter if I can get this one figured out. So far I've just dealt with the issue with the control point, its a minor annoyance.

What I need to do is edit the individual probes. The problem is I have no idea where to find the probe drawings. I know if I go into edit master I can select one of the six different probe types and it changes accordingly. Is that where I edit them? How do I go about adding a seventh?

1) I just looked at my shape sheet and there is no geometry section. It appears to be greyed out... so where are the other shapes hiding?
2) Seven shapes in this case if I understand correctly, six probes and a text box.
3) Oh yeah, the action row names kinda suck, especially if you're not familiar with the devices. Baby steps I rework a couple things here and there as I draw each project.

I have been able to figure some things out on other shape sheets and add some shape data by looking at examples and using trial and error, but this one has me completely stumped.
Is there a good reference out there on smart shapes and how they work? I hate to waste peoples time with a bunch of questions if I can be pointed to the right place to learn the answers.


Condolence.  Working on someone else's shapes.

So, has the control point always misbehaved?  The formulae for the probe shapes is quite wrong.  What is the historical background, as much as you know, for the control point.  That will help establish the basis for correcting its behaviour.
Visio 2019 Pro


I'm a building automation control guy, I've spent most of my life working on other peoples messes. Ha

As far as I know the control point has always misbehaved. I looked through some old drawings and it is misbehaving in all of them I checked a few other shapes as well (I counted I have 22 not 10 to fix :-\) and about half of them the control point will move the probe around the text box the other half are misbehaving. I have no idea what the history of these shapes are, being JCI they've probably been passed from one friend to the next for years and monkeyed with along the way.

I'm wondering if I wouldn't be money ahead if I pulled in six shapes, one with each option, ungrouped them so I could have all the probe types then started fresh.


The probe issue is not that serious. No need to throw out the baby with bath water.  Adding a 7th probe is not a big deal either.

How to proceed?  How comfortable are you with learning to do this?  It will take digging into both the shapesheet and the shape grouping.  Mostly, it a time issue.  Do you have a deadline that pushes the immediatecyor can you take a bit longer and learn as you go?

Either way, it is not an imposition.

Visio 2019 Pro


It's worth learning to me. I've already done some work in shape sheet and grouping when I rebuilt our title block to have the right information and grab the page and job name. Plus adding some part numbers to other shapes. Part of a larger vision is to get these shapes to have unique part numbers depending on how they are selected for automated bill of material creation (which I'm still trying to work out probably need to move learning VBA up on the list). So if you select probe you can then chose between TS-1, TS-2, etc. which are different probe lengths, and carry different numbers, you get the idea I'm sure.

Cleaning up our visio stencils is definitely a side project, I try to fix one thing or add a feature on each project I draw provided I'm not too far behind schedule. Plus learning this is a good way to kill a rainy day when I can't run outside, don't want to run on the dreadmill, and would otherwise rot my brain with TV. Hahah



Good references:
  >  A good source for the workings is this V2002 reference:  This is nice overview.  Touches on a lot of concepts. 

  > Shapesheet functions: See specifically Rectsect: is part of the Control Point issue.

  >  Shapesheet formula syntax:  You need to scroll down a bit.  Of is  particular interest is the form for any object on the same page.  Again, this will be used for the Control Point issue.

  > If not already familiar with these:  the DEW (Drawing Explorer Window), Document Stencil

Once you've had to peruse these, don't worry about the 1st reference for now, we can dig into your issues.
Visio 2019 Pro


The methodology that I prefer, especially when working with grouped shapes is
  1) I generally don't edit the Master directly.  But, rather, drop an instance on a drawing page and edit there.
  2) use the DEW to readily navigate thru shapes or shape groups.
  3) once the edited version is operating as desired, duplicate it, and then drag onto the stencil.  The stencil needs to be editable.  You can either rename or delete or leave the original untouched.  Rename the new master as desired.

The document stencil will have a copy of the original master.  Visio will use this as the document specific master.  You may delete it.  You may replace it by dragging your new edited shape onto the doc stencil.  We won't be using the original version of the master any more.

John Goldsmith has interesting development re Editing Masters:   M$ offers this video:
Visio 2019 Pro


Sorry for jumping in so late and so "un-asked" ;) .
I analysed your stencil and found out that the configuration sub-shapes were hidden behind a filled rectangle. Unfilling it revealed the sub-shapes.


Good spot, but, yes, we knew that.  It turns out that this happens because of previous, ancient, poor design wrt the control point. 

Two-fold goal: fix the problem and guide the OP in doing so.  Already know the problem fix.  Now to let opportunity to work with OP.  He wants to learn.
Visio 2019 Pro


I'm just now getting back to this. I had a service call several hundred miles from the office I had to run.

I'm going to look over the references tonight and then jump back in. For the record I will need to keep the filled rectangle or some equivalent as the shape blocks out part of the line in the PID drawing its dropped onto.


No problem.  The fix will only address the control point and adding another probe if you still want that.  All other attributes will stay as is.
Visio 2019 Pro


if PID, any reason why you are not use the industry standard visio dictionary (PID stencil)?

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