catch a template name of a shape

Started by chrisoft, June 09, 2016, 12:12:05 PM

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Dear Visio Dev,

Hope you're fine,

I am looking for a property or a function that return the name of a template related to a shape that has been just dropped ?

I have tried to find into in the vba spy editor of the active shape but did not find anything concerning the template name.

I have attached a picture of what I am looking for in case of...

Many thanks for your support

Paul Herber

That's the stencil name that you want, not the template name.
As far as I know there is no connection from a shape back to the stencil it came from.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Dear Paul,

Yes sorry I was referring to the stencil name.

that's what I thought, many thanks for your confirmation.

Anyway, I am thinking to an alternative solution but not sure it's workable : is there a possibility to loop over the shapes that are in a stencil  ?

Paul Herber

You could but each stencil may contain a shape(s) of exactly the same name(s).
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Dear Paul,

In case of I have several shapes in several stencil but named differently, would you please be so kind to help me to find wich collection I have to call ?
what I'm thinking is something like

For each shp in ?? "stencil" (which could be activewindow.masters or smth like that)
'my treatment code

Many thanks for your support

Hey Ken


   A simple solution is to add a user cell to the shapesheet of each shape on your stencil, then save the stencil name there.  Then you can access it generally like this:

If MyShape.Cells("User.StencilName").Formula = """stencil""" then...

   I already do that with version numbers on my stencil's shapes so I can know when a shape needs to be upgraded.

   Hope this helps,

   - Ken

Ken V. Krawchuk
No Dogs on Mars - A Starship Story


@Ken:  nice, simple, unambiguous solution

Too bad it's not a built-in shape feature!

Visio 2019 Pro



Indeed it could be an alternative solution by writting the stencil name directly in the shapesheet of the master.
The thing is, in my project I have around 500 masters splittted in 19 stencils. a painfull task to do manually.

The best would be to loop over each master in each stencil for two reasons

1 - compare the name of the master with the shape dropped in order to know whether the shape is coming from the said stencil
2 - your solution : add the name of the stencil into the shapesheet

But I do not success to loop over all masters in stencil

For each master in activewindow.masters
'add name into shapesheet

I am under the impression this loop returns me all masters that are in the drag & drop "buffer"...