Custom Formula referencing other page syntax

Started by PhilT, May 22, 2013, 09:54:47 AM

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I didn't want to add to as it's old, but essentially I have the same problem.

QuoteOn Page-4, select the object to show the custom property and then select Insert|Field and then enter the following Custom Formula:


The result gives me a Error in formula message.

I've found the Name / NameU issue and don't think it applies in my case - I do have differences in Page names but not on the relevant pages.

Where am I going wrong with the syntax :-


Do I need some quotation marks, are my exclamation marks correct, right shape of brackets ???

for testing I tried it on the same page, where "=Station1210!Prop.StationName" works, but the above can't be entered due to "Error in formula"


just type NameU between []


Thanks, did you mean literally type NameU or type the current value of NameU - neither seem to work.

I think I may have a trailing space on the name, but putting in ' ' didn't help.

Is there a Visio item I can use to refer to the page other than it's name ? For example I can put Sheet.181!Prop.StationName and that is accepted (and turned to the local reference).


[You could try the sheet ID for the shape, e.g. Sheet.22


I'm sure I remember that being an issue in the past across pages.
Live life with an open mind


Quote from: PhilT on May 22, 2013, 11:11:04 AM
Thanks, did you mean literally type NameU or type the current value of NameU - neither seem to work.
I mean current value of NameU
Quote from: PhilT on May 22, 2013, 11:11:04 AM
I think I may have a trailing space on the name, but putting in ' ' didn't help.
then i type Pages[Boilerhouse]!Sheet.22!Prop.StationName and press Enter.
Formula automatically changed and became Pages[Boilerhouse]!Station1210!Prop.StationName or Pages[Boilerhouse]!'Station1210'!Prop.StationName


Quote from: Surrogate on May 22, 2013, 01:01:58 PM
Formula automatically changed and became Pages[Boilerhouse]!Station1210!Prop.StationName or Pages[Boilerhouse]!'Station1210'!Prop.StationName

The former. It doesn't like quotes around Station 1210.

However I have got it to work !  By using Sheet.181 instead of the name and, bizarrely, by putting a trailing space on Boilerhouse (as per the Page name, thanks to SuperUtils) within the brackets but without quotation marks, So :-

Pages[Boilerhouse ]!Sheet.181!Prop.StationName does correctly reference across pages.  Thanks Guys !  ;D