Make possible to link a diagram to several pdf file

Started by denver8425, August 23, 2016, 01:03:21 PM

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Hi Everybody.

I need to create many links to different pdf files from the properties of an activity diagram.

I'm attaching a draft of what I mean to better understand.

Thanks in advance!



That's a statement. We usually answer questions ;D.


Hi Yacine,

I'm a new member and I don't know well how the forum works. First of all I apologize for any inconvenience I may cause and thank you for having answered.

Actually, I don't understand what do you mean: my question is if Visio makes possible to create many links (hyperlinks) from the properties of a shape.
If not, would you please mind suggesting me a way to manage the issue?

I must allow users to see the final work through visio-viewer but I learned that there is the possibility to see the properties of shapes, so I thought to manage to do this way but if you find a way to better realize that, I would be pleased to learn more.

Thank you very much for your help.


Open your shape, insert a hyperlink section. Then for each custom property insert one row in the hyperlink section.
Write in the address column of each row the formula "=prop.NAMEOFPROP"
This should work.


Maybe you can do that simply with 'add hyperlink' command? You may have as many hyperlinks as you want. Why properties?  Also you can name the links if needed.


Hi everybody and thanks for your advices.

My problem is that I must create an organigram and I must to deliver it in my company. But nobody has Visio and can see the document only through the Visio viewer.
And in viewer version, I know that if you open a shape you can see all the properties. So for each person in the organigram I would like to link the personal documents related (for example training, security, Curriculum, ....).

Could you please suggest me a solution?

Thanks in advanced.



Is visio the right tool to present?  It maybe the right tool to produce but display?

What do you want your users to be able to do? 
1) display the organogram
2) click on a person's name to do what....?
3) how many things do you want to be able to click on per person?

What do you want to be able to do (as distinct to your user's functionality)?  Do you want to be able to just draw the Org chart or to be able to create it from an excel table, how do you want to be able add / maintain the links people will click on?

Visio maybe the answer for some / all of you requirements but maybe if you expand on them a little it might be easier to answer.

