Changing ERD Connectors in Visio 2013

Started by youtoo, October 28, 2013, 04:36:09 PM

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I am required to have the diagram display in a very specific way. I am having trouble changing the style of the connectors to meet my requirement.

Current Settings:

Database Tab-> display options (changes)
General Tab:

Table Tab
IDEF1X 'O' display is not checked

Relationship Tab:
Relationships and Crows Feet are checked

I was told to do this to change the connectors:

o   Change all double || tick marks to a single tick mark by right clicking on the connector and select format, line, and from the drop down list of connectors select style # 24 which has a single tick mark.

I do that, no errors, but nothing happens. It looks like Visio is choosing Style 30 for optional and style 29 for not optional.

I do not know Visio well at all. If you have an answer can you assume Im a total newb and tell me where to click. I installed the Developer Tab and looked in Show Shapesheet (based on some google searches). not sure if this is 'locked' and I need to change something to unlock it.

This is on an existing model. Id prefer to change the template for all of the connectors at one time.


I suspect, that connector is protected by the UML solution, which is fine if you want to keep the functionality of the UML solution.
If you just need a drawing, than you might want to try using a "simple" connector.
Either draw a new connector instead of using the stencil, or insert it from a generic template.


the problem with that is that when the foreign keys connect, visio keeps information about the connection. It will show me in the bottom popup what the foreign keys are. I really dont just want a diagram. I really need to use the Visio functionality. However, I am required to change the connectors.