Visio Guy

Visio Discussions => General Visio => Topic started by: youtoo on October 28, 2013, 04:36:09 PM

Title: Changing ERD Connectors in Visio 2013
Post by: youtoo on October 28, 2013, 04:36:09 PM
I am required to have the diagram display in a very specific way. I am having trouble changing the style of the connectors to meet my requirement.

Current Settings:

Database Tab-> display options (changes)
General Tab:

Table Tab
IDEF1X 'O' display is not checked

Relationship Tab:
Relationships and Crows Feet are checked

I was told to do this to change the connectors:

o   Change all double || tick marks to a single tick mark by right clicking on the connector and select format, line, and from the drop down list of connectors select style # 24 which has a single tick mark.

I do that, no errors, but nothing happens. It looks like Visio is choosing Style 30 for optional and style 29 for not optional.

I do not know Visio well at all. If you have an answer can you assume Im a total newb and tell me where to click. I installed the Developer Tab and looked in Show Shapesheet (based on some google searches). not sure if this is 'locked' and I need to change something to unlock it.

This is on an existing model. Id prefer to change the template for all of the connectors at one time.
Title: Re: Changing ERD Connectors in Visio 2013
Post by: Yacine on October 29, 2013, 04:21:52 AM
I suspect, that connector is protected by the UML solution, which is fine if you want to keep the functionality of the UML solution.
If you just need a drawing, than you might want to try using a "simple" connector.
Either draw a new connector instead of using the stencil, or insert it from a generic template.
Title: Re: Changing ERD Connectors in Visio 2013
Post by: youtoo on October 29, 2013, 02:44:01 PM
the problem with that is that when the foreign keys connect, visio keeps information about the connection. It will show me in the bottom popup what the foreign keys are. I really dont just want a diagram. I really need to use the Visio functionality. However, I am required to change the connectors.