Multi wall Segment creation

Started by qholmes, June 23, 2017, 02:44:28 PM

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I am 99% certain there is no way to create walls by dragging out segments with a mouse.. But I thought I would ask. My group are starting to trace reference building images/CADs with Visio walls to take advantage of the 3D visio display plugin. But it is quite time consuming doing it 1 wall at a time.

Thanks for any help.


Paul Herber

I assume that by "dragging out" you mean taking one of the shapes like Room, L-room or T-room and using those wall segments to do things, in which case you are correct. Those shapes do not contain walls as wall shapes that can be used. Use the standard Wall shape.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Well I was hoping.. hehe that someone would tell me I could create a set of walls with click, click, click, click... wall, wall, wall, wall..

They will just have to use the individual walls. And if they are changing wall thicknesses just copy the same thickness.

I might post another question on the best way to switch from metric to imperial and back. The new group I am training uses Imperial but all of our equipment is Metric.



You can come close by making selection then <cntl> + d.

Visio 2019 Pro


Not sure if it works for walls, but "click,click,click" was solved here:


Thanks for that link.. But not quite what I want for wall segments. I was hoping for continuous wall segment creation. So basically you would just be clicking the next walls end point as the beginning point would be the previous walls end point.