Visio Guy

Visio Discussions => General Visio => Topic started by: RzB on April 10, 2009, 04:31:39 PM

Title: Used guides won't snap but new one will
Post by: RzB on April 10, 2009, 04:31:39 PM
I have just upgraded to Visio 2007 from 2002. This effect was not apparent in the 2002 version.

I have a floorplan/wall layout - not overly complex.
I can pull a guide from the vertical or horizontal ruler area and can snap it to any edge I choose.
However if I now try to move that guide to another edge it won't snap to it.
If I pull a new guide from the ruler area, it snaps just fine.

If I create a new page with a simple rectangle on it the problem does not exist. Works fine with a new or used guide.

Am I doing something wrong?

I have attached a vsd that exhibits the problem on my machine.

Many thanks,
Title: Re: Used guides won't snap but new one will
Post by: Paul Herber on April 10, 2009, 11:02:10 PM
Works fine here with V2007, I just drag the guide over a different vertex and pause for a second and a balloon appears "Snap to vertex" or "Snap to Geometry" as appropriate. New guides snap easier but otherwise they are the same. Maybe you aren't pausing for long enough. I've jsut checked with V2003 and there is a more pronounced snap effect, too much actually, it's impossible in V2003 to not snap to vertex or geometry if the guide gets too close.

Title: Re: Used guides won't snap but new one will
Post by: RzB on April 11, 2009, 08:40:49 AM

Many thanks for your response.

I have done some more investigation and it seems to be tied up with the fact that the shape I have has been created by a union.

I have gone back to basics and created two overlapping rectangles and then converted to one shape by using Shape/Operations/Union. This gives internal and external edges to play with.

I have turned off gluing and all snapping options. I have gone through turning on each snapping option individually and tried to snap guides to the edges.

When dragging a new guide it works exactly how I would expect.
With Alignment Box turned on the guides snaps to the outside edges of the shape.
With Shape Geometry switched on it snaps to outside and internal edges.
No other options snap a guide to an edge as expected.

However when reusing a guide it works as follows.
With Alignment Box turned on the guides snaps to the outside edges of the shape.
With Shape Geometry switched on it does not snap to outside or internal edges.
No other options snap a guide to an edge as expected.

Many thanks,