Document stencil HELP

Started by Michelle, November 06, 2013, 02:21:21 PM

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Unfortunately, our company has decided not to continue using Visio to create a configuration tool for orders. Previously Visio was used to create a visual representation that contained shapes with intelligence that would also then create a bill of materials used for ordering.  Since Visio will only be used for a visual representation now, the sahpes will have no intelligence, and tehy will not run reports to create materials lists.  I have removed all the stencils containing the intelligent shapes, and replaced them with "generic" shapes to be used for a visual aid only.  I have also removed all code and macros from the template.  The problem is that some of our users are opening the document stencil, and finding intelligent shapes there. 

I can't delete tyhe document stencil shapes.  I did create a title block for the template based on my previous "smart" shapes, but I removed the intelligence behind them in the titleblock.  How can I keep my titleblock appear as it does, but completely delete the document stencil (or at least remove the "intelligent" shapes from the document stencil)?



cant remove doc long as shape on sheet, cant delete shapes from doc stencil

So, you said it yourself, delete all the old shapes and the new dumbed down shapes.

Depending on how many drawings involved, could look at some VBA to do the migration...this will NOT be trivial since I suspect
you want to keep same location on sheet, same connections to other shapes, etc.

you could consider this as well:   make a jpg/png of original drawing and put into a new instance of template (or sheet in template)
Then either do
   - Declare "since some bean counter wanted to save $, all old drawings are fixed as is....all new drawings use dumb down shapes"
   - put the jpg/png on a background page in template and many place shapes on foreground over the background shape.
     (of course, declare"  Oh BTW, the $ you saved got spent on copying all this over again"

Have fun


??? open automatically one doc after the other, loop through all shapes, remove user and custom prop sections ???


and action cells

BTW, doesnt this approach create new shapes in doc stencil....old shapes remain even not on screen?


ie...once all the shapes cleaned up...would have to go to doc stencil to remove that old shape