Connector behavior problem

Started by asg2ki, January 26, 2022, 11:03:59 PM

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Hi All,

First time user here and obviously because I have a Visio problem that I hope one of you may be able to resolve for me :D

It could be just me but apparently it seems that dynamic connectors behavior may have changed a bit over the past 10 years (let's say since Visio 2013). Today to my biggest surprise I noticed that when I switch connectors from straight to curved mode, Visio 2021 decides that it has to shorten their length between the dedicated connection points as opposed to what I remember from the past, therefore this provides some very disturbing to the eye end results.

Long story short I'm making some IT datacenter related diagrams outlining the network connections between racks, switches, patch panels, etc.  It has been couple of years since I worked on a similar project so I had to dust off my brain cells a bit, but in any case I clearly remember that in the past, when I drew a straight connector with multiple 90 degrees turns in either or both directions (outlining a physical network cable path) and later on converted it to curved connector, only the turns got rounded while the new shape included the right amount of bending points in between.

Today when I tried to do the same for a connector that was representing a big U shape (outlining a longer swinging cable between two devices), right after I did the modification from straight to curved, Visio actually shortened the connector's length to the bare minimum and at most it had 3 bending points. I found this behavior quite strange compared to what I remembered doing in the past, so I took one of my long-term archived diagrams to cross check against this and I noticed the same problem there too. I'll put some pictures right after this post to demonstrate visually the problem. In any case in the past I was converting about few hundreds of connectors with a single click, while with the current end results I'd have to align each one of them manually by hand which would be ridiculous.

I already checked against potential conflicts on re-routing of shapes and connectors but I've found none so far. Also I'm actively using layers + locks over them so for the moment I don't think the issue is with the diagram itself but perhaps something has changed in the way how Visio is recalculating or optimizing dynamic connectors.

I'll very grateful if anyone here could help me resolve the mystery around this issue as quite frankly Visio is now producing ugly results on the visual side but I wouldn't be surprised if I may have forgotten to check one or more parameters that may be causing direct impact. Your advice will be very much appreciated.


This is an excerpt from the old diagram that was "Curved" back in the days with Visio 2010 or 2013 (can't exactly remember).


This is a picture of the same diagram converted back to "Straight" connectors with Visio 2021


And these are the same connectors converted back to "Curved" again via Visio 2021.
The difference with the first picture speaks for itself.