Customize the menu

Started by murugavelmsc, March 04, 2010, 11:00:42 AM

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I develop a application in VISIO. In this, i have a customize menu and customize properties of the object (Shape). When i open the document means disable the customize menu.
How can i retrieve both this when i open the document. Please help me.

I have attached the file that i can used for creating the menus.


Paul Herber

A tad difficult to follow your banter, old chap!
The code in your attached document, is that a copy of the VBA code area?
You want to disable a menu? Which menu?
What do you want to retrieve?

P.S, at the line
Set visUIObj = Visio.Application.BuiltInMenus
first do a check on Visio.Application.CustomMenus
if it is nil then read Visio.Application.BuiltInMenus
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I want both the menus to be visible when the drawing document opened. But in my case only menu bars is visible. The context properties of the shape is not visbile while selecting the shape and right click for context properties.

Plz help me.
