Saves Layer Views?

Started by David_H, January 29, 2014, 06:27:55 AM

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Is there any way, either within Visio or using a 3rd party utility to save a series of layers as a view, so to speak?  For instance, I'd like to be able to select "View 1" and have 7 layers turn on and 3 layers turn off.  And so on.


in the page shape sheet create a shape data called "view" and make it variable list.

if you are a begginer:

inside put all views you want to have.

Then on the layers in the page shape sheet in the section "visable" put formula

IF(Prop.view="name of view", 1,0)

Then assign all layers to different names of view.

this will do the work.


Thank you.  Follow up question.  I've never used layers much.  When opening "Layer Properties" there is a column named #, I always assumed it represented the number of that device on the drawing.  However the number represented there isn't even remotely close to what's actually in the drawing.  What should that number represent?

Paul Herber

It is the count of the shapes on that layer. However, it does include all the sub-shapes within grouped shapes as sub-shapes can be on different layers. Some grouped shapes I've seen contain over 100 sub-shapes ... actually I've created shapes that contain 300 sub-shapes!

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Ah, that explains it, thanks!


This seems to be similar to what im wanting but i was trying the code way and cant seem to get it to work (iv a post in the code section too)

Iv tried this was aswell but seem to be stuck

in the page shape sheet create a shape data called "view" and make it variable list. - Managed this - have headers with date below

Label (view)
type (4) - altered this from 0
Value (0)
invisible (false)
ask (False)
LandID (1033)
Calender (0)

inside put all views you want to have. - Where do i put these?

Then on the layers in the page shape sheet in the section "visable" put formula

IF(Prop.view="name of view", 1,0) - - again where does this go iv got the layers section which lists all the layers that i have but when i try to copy this in i get a format error :S?

Then assign all layers to different names of view. - not got to this section yet


in the page shape sheet create a shape data called "view" and make it variable list.
inside put all views you want to have. - Where do i put these?

In the Format cell as a semicolon seperated list: ="View1;View2;View3;...."

Then on the layers in the page shape sheet in the section "visable" put formula
IF(Prop.view="name of view", 1,0) - - again where does this go iv got the layers section which lists all the layers that i have but when i try to copy this in i get a format error :S?

That formula can't work because you can't compare Strings in the ShapeSheet. You'ld need to use STRSAME function like this:
IF(STRSAME(Prop.view,"name of view"), 1,0)



Thanks again for your help, think this is above and beyond my capabilities  :-\  :'( so going to have to leave it, thanks for trying though  :)