Visio Guy

Visio Discussions => Shapes & Templates => Topic started by: Thomas Winkel on June 08, 2017, 05:36:59 AM

Title: Reference to master broken?
Post by: Thomas Winkel on June 08, 2017, 05:36:59 AM

I have a master (only one of this type) in my document stencil and many shapes that reference to it.
I checked it and all instances refer to the same master, no broken link so far.

But when I add a data row to the master and agree to update all instances, the new property does not appear on all instances.
Maybe I updated the master before (add new data properties) and then dropped again shapes from the original stencil, this could be the reason.
But there is only one master in the document stencil and all shapes refer to it...

Any idea how to handle this?
The goal is to have all instances up to date.

Best regards,
Title: Re: Reference to master broken?
Post by: vojo on June 08, 2017, 02:13:17 PM
so if you have 1 shape master in doc stencil because you drop some stencil shape n times....then you change shape master in
the doc stencil....then drop the stencil shape n+1 to m will have 2 shapes in doc stencil (modified and original)

Once you change the master, it no longer has a connection with the shape in the master.  You can almost think of
the doc stencil as an "instance" of any stencil shape....relationship maintained...but if change, that instance is now unique

On the other hand, you drop stencil shape n+1 times then changed master and only say HALF of the drop shapes changed, and
finally, you know for sure you did not make any changes to master shape or any dropped shapes prior to your change,
then that would be a bug.

So you can verify this
- always start with blank drawing (doc stencil covers entire drawing...all doc stencil per sheet)
- open a drawing
- drop 1st shape
- check doc stencil ...should be 1 shape
- drop 2nd shape (same stencil shape as first)
- check doc stencil...should be 1 same shape
- go to 1st shape and make a structure change
   (not some much size or rotation, more like add some user or props cells or flip behavior...experiment with this)
   (I believe changes "outside" - location on page-  the shape leave master unaffected)
   (changes to the shape itself - geometry behavor such as show/noshow - forces a doc stencil shape copy)
- check doc stencil...should be 2 shapes there - original and modified
Title: Re: Reference to master broken?
Post by: Yacine on June 08, 2017, 05:59:36 PM
Hallo Thomas,
my 2 cents in addition to Vojo's answer.
The master being read only. There's little you can do directly via VBA.
But ... I think having seen somewhere that the relationship shape-master is stored in the XML. That's definitely something you can edit. (You'll try of course first with a copy of the file ;) ).

Other thought - that should have come first - you may try to debug.print the master of all shapes in the document. I guess you'll discover that some are disconnected.
Title: Re: Reference to master broken?
Post by: vojo on June 09, 2017, 02:59:11 AM
FWIW, in 2003, you could edit shapes in doc stencil (open shape, edit, close shape)....don't know about 2007,2010, 2013, etc.