Visio Guy

Visio Discussions => General Visio => Topic started by: Zan2020 on November 28, 2019, 07:58:57 AM

Title: Visio - My large flowchart 20 pages is tiny printed & won’t resize on TV monitor
Post by: Zan2020 on November 28, 2019, 07:58:57 AM
Hi everyone,
I am very new to Visio (and using 365) and created 2 cross functional process maps
that span about 20 A4 pages - its a very long process.

The font is Arial and size of text is 10 in square shape and 8 kn decision shapes.

I need to be able to print so that it can be read - but most importantly need to be able to present it to
my team. At the moment I open the within Visio and can only see a small part of the process - say a corner and then scroll eaitger across or down to see rest. When I zoom and see the entire map on screen I can't read the font. I have since opened the file in the room I will be presenting in (large TV monitor) and its even worse to read (O thoght it would resize but it doesn't). I have invested a lot of time creating the process and really need some expert advice on how I can present it to the team in a professional way - it currently feels very clunky. Would be very grateful for any tips. Zan