Shapesheet property references breaking

Started by Demetre, March 31, 2009, 08:57:48 PM

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I have a few shapes inside of a group. This group is within a larger group. The smallest shapes are referencing some properties from the biggest shape. This works ok, except when I try to copy the medium shape and all the references to the big shape are replaced with  Ref().

Is there a better way to do this so that I dont get broken references when I copy shapes?




One of the ways to keep reference is to make good
use of Document base, user-defined cells on the
document sheet, the portability of user defined cells.
The reference to the user-defined cells on the document
sheet cannot be broken.
The user defined cells on the stencil are coppied when user
drops a stencil on the document.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda