Import a PDF

Started by AnotherNoone, June 12, 2017, 07:42:43 AM

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i was wondering if theres a fast way to "Visiolize" an organigram, wich i currently only have available as pdf.
Can visio import/read PDF files? (i dont want to just import the image...)

if theres a quicker way than to just draw it, let me know :D


I'm not aware of such capability within Visio.  However, I believe there are 3rd party converters available.  Need to search the net.


Visio 2019 Pro


It depends on the pdf you have.
There are numerous free online services, and offline programs (such as inkscape) that allow pdf to svg conversion. Provided that your pdf was produced by some tool (program) and is not just a scanned paper, you could try to use those to get svg and open that in Visio.
In case pdf is just some picture you scanned, it's easier to just draw it from scratch. Tip: It might be handy to use the original picture as semi-transparent background as a reference when drawing.


Thx, the semi transparent background thing really was a good idea.

Since it was a scanned print of a visio drawing no software worked.