Export Visio stencils to Powerpoint without Grouping

Started by nizamifx, September 12, 2018, 07:02:49 PM

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I have a project in which I have to convert my Visio diagrams to PPT I know we can group the stencils and export it to PPT but when we import in PPT we will not be able to edit it. If we try to ungroup the image the stencil/Image shape is getting scattered (it is losing its original shape). Is there a way I can copy each stencil in my visio to PPT as image and place it in the same position in the way it was in Visio (literally draw a similar diagram in powerpoint as in Visio with the option to add or remove some stencils/Image). If visio doesn't have this option can we do it through VBA


one used to be able to do that circa 2003 (office/visio) but somewhere between 2003 and 2013, function went away.
you can try to embed visio drawings into PPT, but its hit or miss (doesn't always work...run out of memory).

I assume the issue you have is that others want to edit but don't have visio.  for that, I don't see easy answer
(even with VBA, would still need others to have visio installed).
if just you, then problem turns into "how do I tie ppt drawing to visio source?"  AFAIK, no real metadata approach.  so would
need to put the drawing name in say lower left corner of image et al.  so you can find the source 6 months later.

If others just want to use but not edit, could copy and paste as png or emf images shapes that you would have wanted in a
ppt stencil (could try emf and see if you can edit in ppt...not perfect but maybe colors is enough).

I don't know if/how to export a shape as xml and whether ppt could process that xml shape into ppt

in general, visio is a cousin to office apps....never been fully embraced.
