Which Visio edition to buy for network diagrams

Started by Peter Byles, March 08, 2012, 10:21:03 AM

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Peter Byles


I want to create data network diagrams and am unsure which edition to buy

Can I create simple data network diagrams in Visio Standard

The leap in cost to the professional edition includes some great functionality that i wont use



Paul Herber

Basic network diagrams can be done in Standard, more complex diagrams and rack diagrams are in Professional. There are 3rd-party templates and stencils for a lot of networking stuff. Al might be along later and give a more detailed answer.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -



You might check over here for the edition comparison
The choice between professional and premium comes down to whether you have a requirement for BPMN drawings also. Professional with it's datalinking/datagraphics brings a very strong set of capabilities to the drawings.
The difficulty is that if you go 'inexpensive' and decide you really do want the additional functionality, there is no upgrade pricing, you have to buy another copy !