Change Object using right click and shapesheet actions

Started by KateR, September 13, 2013, 02:11:19 AM

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I am trying to create a new work template. I have 3-4 different shapes that I want to be able to toggle between using right click and ask on drop. I have set up a fixed list, and it successfully asks on drop however it doesn't change the shape when I select a different shape from the drop down menu. I have attached screen shots and an explaination.



Hi, KateR

Can you please attach the visio file you are working with ?


Hi, KateR!

I see Rule in your list "None;Message;Link;Rule;Timer". But i can't see icon for this item !

look in attachment...


Thank you Surrogate!

The Rule is a mistake I just forgot to take it out. Can you please tell me what you did? Is it just the LOOKUP in the User-defined Cells? I need to be able to do this for a few other groups of shapes!

Thanks you again, lifesaver!


Hi KateR,

sorry i' am from Moscow, Russia. There was night when you reply :)

Secrets of my shape in attachment.

1. I convert to group your shape None. In Visio 2003 for this option look menu Shape - > Group -> Convert to Group
2. I copy shape "white arrow" in your shape Link for example
3. Open group of shape None, paste there your "white arrow" and placed this shape at center
4. Open shapesheet window - right click menu

5. Add user.defined cell named user.visible. In field named Value type formula
User.visible = IF(LOOKUP(Sheet.20!Prop.EventTrigger,Sheet.20!Prop.EventTrigger.Format)=2,0,1)
in this formula 2 in consider position of word Link in your list.
  • 0 - None;
  • 1 - Message;
  • 2 - Link;
  • 3 - Rule;
  • 4 - Timer
6. In Geometry section set formulas in fields Geometry1.NoFill and Geometry1.NoLine
Geometry1.NoFill = IF(LOOKUP(Sheet.20!Prop.EventTrigger,Sheet.20!Prop.EventTrigger.Format)=2,0,1)
Geometry1.NoLine = IF(LOOKUP(Sheet.20!Prop.EventTrigger,Sheet.20!Prop.EventTrigger.Format)=2,0,1)