Change Alignment Box (Glue Point) on a pre-existing shape eg door

Started by dan_lonepine, June 21, 2012, 03:05:45 AM

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Does anyone know how to change the alignment box on an existing visio shape eg a door shape, in this case from door width to the door frame, currently the door glue snap point is on the actual door width and I am trying to move the snap point (red box) to the door frame (outer edge)


Could you upload a drawing with the shape in question? Would make things easier.

The "glue snap point" is called connection point. There is a tool to create and reposition connection points. Normally it's a button on the menu, but where to find it exactly depends on your Visio version.

If the tool is selected you have to hold the Ctrl-Key while clicking and dragging the connection point to a new location. If you don't hold the Ctrl-Key you'll add a new connection point instead.

Another way to do this is to access the ShapeSheet of the shape and go to the Connections-Section where you can enter X and Y-coordinatess for each connection point.

hth Jumpy