custom property addition for multiple shapes

Started by ben.oates, June 12, 2009, 12:35:58 PM

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Hi all,

I asked this in a seperate thread but think it would be better served in its own.

I have a high level and low level view of a collection of servers. In the low level view I have one server on each page and running on that server are a number of instances. What I would like to do at the high level is set the custom property for the name of that server (which is the same as the page name for the low level view) and have another property for the high level server add up all of the values for heap in all of the instances on the low level page.

The important stencil items are:

  • Instance (this will sit on a page depicting a single server and holds the heap property)
  • Server HL (this will only show the name of the server and the sum of the heap property for all Instances on the relevant page)

Is this possible?




The assumptions are that all of the 'low level' server drawings are in the same document as the 'high level' list of servers, and all of the server names are unique. The answer is that it is a relatively simple piece of vba code to perform.